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La Bibliothèque Binaire du NWScript - Neverwinter Nights
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Jaheira 007 Seigneur Messages: 223 |
Voilà pour mon module j'aimerais modifier le script OnPlayerRespawn. J'ai coller le script de la campagne NWN, celui qui enléve 50 points d'XP et de l'or quant on respawn, mais bizarement, dans mon module quant le pj meurt et qu'il respawn, aucune pénalité n'est faite.
N'y a t-il pas un moyen de faire un script + simple, du genre: quant le pj respawn il subit une pénalité de 10% sur son XP totale? _________________ La nature reprendra ses droits ici, aprés notre passage. |
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Jaheira 007 Seigneur Messages: 223 |
n'ayant pas de réponse de votre part, je vais vous demander autre chose. j'aurai peut être plus de succé.
Quel genre de script ( dans le OnPlayerRespawn )utilisez vous dans votre module ? _________________ La nature reprendra ses droits ici, aprés notre passage. |
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daelan Voyageur Messages: 3 |
personnelement j'ai repris le script d'un module disponible sur internet (la guerre d'Evendale) il est plus long qu'il devrait en raison des factions mais bon, chez moi il fonctionne :
script OnPlayerDeath //:////////////////////////////////////////////// //:: Generic On Pressed Respawn Button //:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp. //:///////////////////////////////////////////// /* // * June 1: moved RestoreEffects into plot include */ //:///////////////////////////////////////////// //:: Created By: Brent //:: Created On: November //:///////////////////////////////////////////// #include "nw_i0_plot" // * Applies an XP and GP penalty // * to the player respawning void ApplyPenalty(object oDead) { int nXP = GetXP(oDead); int nPenalty = 50 * GetHitDice(oDead); int nHD = GetHitDice(oDead); // * You can not lose a level with this respawning int nMin = ((nHD * (nHD - 1)) / 2) * 1000; int nNewXP = nXP - nPenalty; if (nNewXP < nMin) nNewXP = nMin; SetXP(oDead, nNewXP); int nGoldToTake = FloatToInt(0.10 * GetGold(oDead)); // * a cap of 10 000gp taken from you if (nGoldToTake > 10000) { nGoldToTake = 10000; } AssignCommand(oDead, TakeGoldFromCreature(nGoldToTake, oDead, TRUE)); DelayCommand(4.0, FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature(58299, oDead, FALSE)); DelayCommand(4.8, FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature(58300, oDead, FALSE)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this function resets variabls and clears the arenas in the fighter // 'gauntlet' subplot in chapter one /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ClearArena(object oPC,string sArena) { if(sArena == "Map_M1S4C") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CHRUSK02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4CBeast")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4HruskDef",0); } else if(sArena == "Map_M1S4D") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CFASHI02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4DBeast")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4FashiDef",0); CreateItemOnObject("M1S04IBADGELVL01",oPC); } else if(sArena == "Map_M1S4E") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CAGAR02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4EBeast")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4AgarDef",0); CreateItemOnObject("M1S04IBADGELVL02",oPC); } else if(sArena == "Map_M1S4F") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CCLAUDUS02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4FBeast",0)); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4FBeast",1)); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4ClaudusDef",0); CreateItemOnObject("M1S04IBADGELVL03",oPC); } SetLocalInt(oPC,"NW_L_M1S4Won",FALSE); SetLocalInt(GetModule(),"NW_G_" + sArena + "_Occupied",FALSE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { object oRespawner = GetLastRespawnButtonPresser(); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectResurrection(),oRespawner); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectHeal(GetMaxHitPoints(oRespawner)), oRespawner); RemoveEffects(oRespawner); //* Return PC to temple string sDestTag = "NW_DEATH_TEMPLE"; string sArea = GetTag(GetArea(oRespawner)); /* CHAPTER 1 SPECIAL CASE */ if (sArea == "MAP_M1S3B") { sDestTag = "M1_WIZSPAWN"; } else if (sArea == "Map_M1S4E" || sArea == "Map_M1S4C" || sArea == "Map_M1S4D" || sArea == "Map_M1S4F") { sDestTag = "M1_FIGSPAWN"; ClearArena(oRespawner,sArea); } else /* CHAPTER 2 SPECIAL CASE */ /* if (sArea == "MAP_M2Q2F2" && GetDistanceBetweenLocations(GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2F2_M2Q2G")), GetLocation(oRespawner)) < 5.0 && GetLocalInt(GetModule(),"NW_M2Q2E_WoodsFreed") == 0) { sDestTag = "WP_M2Q2GtoM2Q2F"; } else */ // * Druid Match if (sArea == "MAP_M2Q2E2") { sDestTag = "WP_M2Q2E_ENDDCC"; DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EWELCARFT")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EHENNAFT")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EJANKENFT")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EELGARFT")); // * June 2002: Destroy pets as well DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EWELCARFTPET")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EHENNAFTPET")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EJANKENFTPET")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EELGARFTPET")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EJAER"),"NW_M2Q2E_LFIGHT",FALSE); } /* CHAPTER 3 SPECIAL CASE */ else // * time travel dungeon past - Dungeon if (sArea == "M3Q2G") { sDestTag = "WP_ALTERNATE_SPWN"; } // * time travel dungeon past - Grove else if (sArea == "M3Q2I") { sDestTag = "WP_ALTERNATE_SPWN"; } if (GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag(sDestTag))) { if (sDestTag == "NW_DEATH_TEMPLE") { object oPriest = GetObjectByTag("NW_DEATH_CLERIC"); //SetLocalInt(oPriest, "NW_L_SAYONELINER", 10); //AssignCommand(oPriest, DelayCommand(3.0,ActionStartConversation(oRespawner))); AssignCommand(oPriest, DelayCommand(2.1, PlayVoiceChat(VOICE_CHAT_TALKTOME, oPriest))); SetLocalLocation(oRespawner, "NW_L_I_DIED_HERE", GetLocation(GetLastRespawnButtonPresser())); SetLocalInt(oRespawner, "NW_L_I_DIED", 1); SetLocalObject(oPriest, "NW_L_LASTDIED", GetLastRespawnButtonPresser()); // * April 2002: Moved penalty here, only when going back to the death temple ApplyPenalty(oRespawner); } object oSpawnPoint = GetObjectByTag(sDestTag); AssignCommand(oRespawner,JumpToLocation(GetLocation(oSpawnPoint))); // * mak } else { // * do nothing, just 'res where you are. } } script OnPlayerRespaw //:////////////////////////////////////////////// //:: Generic On Pressed Respawn Button //:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp. //:///////////////////////////////////////////// /* // * June 1: moved RestoreEffects into plot include */ //:///////////////////////////////////////////// //:: Created By: Brent //:: Created On: November //:///////////////////////////////////////////// #include "nw_i0_plot" // * Applies an XP and GP penalty // * to the player respawning void ApplyPenalty(object oDead) { int nXP = GetXP(oDead); int nPenalty = 50 * GetHitDice(oDead); int nHD = GetHitDice(oDead); // * You can not lose a level with this respawning int nMin = ((nHD * (nHD - 1)) / 2) * 1000; int nNewXP = nXP - nPenalty; if (nNewXP < nMin) nNewXP = nMin; SetXP(oDead, nNewXP); int nGoldToTake = FloatToInt(0.10 * GetGold(oDead)); // * a cap of 10 000gp taken from you if (nGoldToTake > 10000) { nGoldToTake = 10000; } AssignCommand(oDead, TakeGoldFromCreature(nGoldToTake, oDead, TRUE)); DelayCommand(4.0, FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature(58299, oDead, FALSE)); DelayCommand(4.8, FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature(58300, oDead, FALSE)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this function resets variabls and clears the arenas in the fighter // 'gauntlet' subplot in chapter one /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ClearArena(object oPC,string sArena) { if(sArena == "Map_M1S4C") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CHRUSK02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4CBeast")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4HruskDef",0); } else if(sArena == "Map_M1S4D") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CFASHI02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4DBeast")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4FashiDef",0); CreateItemOnObject("M1S04IBADGELVL01",oPC); } else if(sArena == "Map_M1S4E") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CAGAR02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4EBeast")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4AgarDef",0); CreateItemOnObject("M1S04IBADGELVL02",oPC); } else if(sArena == "Map_M1S4F") { DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S04CCLAUDUS02")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4FBeast",0)); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M1S4FBeast",1)); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag(sArena),"NW_A_M1S4ClaudusDef",0); CreateItemOnObject("M1S04IBADGELVL03",oPC); } SetLocalInt(oPC,"NW_L_M1S4Won",FALSE); SetLocalInt(GetModule(),"NW_G_" + sArena + "_Occupied",FALSE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { object oRespawner = GetLastRespawnButtonPresser(); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectResurrection(),oRespawner); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectHeal(GetMaxHitPoints(oRespawner)), oRespawner); RemoveEffects(oRespawner); //* Return PC to temple string sDestTag = "NW_DEATH_TEMPLE"; string sArea = GetTag(GetArea(oRespawner)); /* CHAPTER 1 SPECIAL CASE */ if (sArea == "MAP_M1S3B") { sDestTag = "M1_WIZSPAWN"; } else if (sArea == "Map_M1S4E" || sArea == "Map_M1S4C" || sArea == "Map_M1S4D" || sArea == "Map_M1S4F") { sDestTag = "M1_FIGSPAWN"; ClearArena(oRespawner,sArea); } else /* CHAPTER 2 SPECIAL CASE */ /* if (sArea == "MAP_M2Q2F2" && GetDistanceBetweenLocations(GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2F2_M2Q2G")), GetLocation(oRespawner)) < 5.0 && GetLocalInt(GetModule(),"NW_M2Q2E_WoodsFreed") == 0) { sDestTag = "WP_M2Q2GtoM2Q2F"; } else */ // * Druid Match if (sArea == "MAP_M2Q2E2") { sDestTag = "WP_M2Q2E_ENDDCC"; DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EWELCARFT")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EHENNAFT")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EJANKENFT")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EELGARFT")); // * June 2002: Destroy pets as well DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EWELCARFTPET")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EHENNAFTPET")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EJANKENFTPET")); DestroyObject(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EELGARFTPET")); SetLocalInt(GetObjectByTag("M2Q2EJAER"),"NW_M2Q2E_LFIGHT",FALSE); } /* CHAPTER 3 SPECIAL CASE */ else // * time travel dungeon past - Dungeon if (sArea == "M3Q2G") { sDestTag = "WP_ALTERNATE_SPWN"; } // * time travel dungeon past - Grove else if (sArea == "M3Q2I") { sDestTag = "WP_ALTERNATE_SPWN"; } if (GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag(sDestTag))) { if (sDestTag == "NW_DEATH_TEMPLE") { object oPriest = GetObjectByTag:grin:("NW_DEATH_CLERIC"); //SetLocalInt(oPriest, "NW_L_SAYONELINER", 10); //AssignCommand(oPriest, DelayCommand(3.0,ActionStartConversation(oRespawner))); AssignCommand(oPriest, DelayCommand(2.1, PlayVoiceChat(VOICE_CHAT_TALKTOME, oPriest))); SetLocalLocation(oRespawner, "NW_L_I_DIED_HERE", GetLocation(GetLastRespawnButtonPresser())); SetLocalInt(oRespawner, "NW_L_I_DIED", 1); SetLocalObject(oPriest, "NW_L_LASTDIED", GetLastRespawnButtonPresser()); // * April 2002: Moved penalty here, only when going back to the death temple ApplyPenalty(oRespawner); } object oSpawnPoint = GetObjectByTag(sDestTag); AssignCommand(oRespawner,JumpToLocation(GetLocation(oSpawnPoint))); // * mak } else { // * do nothing, just 'res where you are. } } oubli pas de changer le tag du point de respaw (c un simple point de passage) que tu doit placer dans la zone ou tu veu que le PJ respaw. (celui entre les Smilies)ou plus simple tu cree un point de respaww dont le tag se nomme NW_DEATH_TEMPLE je suis nouveau dans les script c pk je recopi des script deja fait, dsl d'avance s'il y a des fautes ou si c mal explique |
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Jaheira 007 Seigneur Messages: 223 |
Merci mais... c'est quoi la conséquence de ce script?
_________________ La nature reprendra ses droits ici, aprés notre passage. |
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