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La Bibliothèque Binaire du NWScript - Neverwinter Nights
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Elechos Acolyte Messages: 31 |
bonjour à tous. Voilà j'ai un probleme sur mon module avec le repos.. je n'arrive pas à utiliser un item de repos ... il s'obstine à me dire : "repos interrompu" si qielqu'un pouvait m'aider...
NWScript :
[/nwscript] //dmw_activate // ** This script goes in the OnItemActivation event of your Module // ** Properties. It checks to see if the item used is a DM Helper // ** And if so, and the user isnt a DM, destroys it, otherwise it // ** Starts the DM Helper working. "dmw_inc" contains the actual // ** code that controls the Helpers effects. If you update anything // ** in it, you must recompile the calling dmw_<name> script to make // ** the change take effect. void main() { object oItem=GetItemActivated(); object oActivator=GetItemActivator(); object oAno = GetObjectByTag("pierredelumini"); //ici tu place le tag ou resref de l'item de repos\ if ( oItem == oAno) { SetLocalInt (oActivator, "i_TI_LastRest", 0); FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Vous pouvez maintenant vous reposer", oActivator); ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_POLYMORPH), GetLocation(oActivator)); AssignCommand (oActivator, ActionRest()); } if(GetTag(oItem)=="DMsHelper") { // Test to make sure the activator is a DM, or is a DM // controlling a creature. if(GetIsDM(oActivator) != TRUE) { object oTest = GetFirstPC(); string sTestName = GetPCPlayerName(oActivator); int nFound = FALSE; while (GetIsObjectValid(oTest) && (! nFound)) { if (GetPCPlayerName(oTest) == sTestName) { if(GetIsDM(oTest)) { nFound = TRUE; } else { DestroyObject(oItem); SendMessageToPC(oActivator,""); return; } } oTest=GetNextPC(); } } // get the wand's activator and target, put target info into local vars on activator object oMyActivator = GetItemActivator(); object oMyTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget(); SetLocalObject(oMyActivator, "dmwandtarget", oMyTarget); location lMyLoc = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation(); SetLocalLocation(oMyActivator, "dmwandloc", lMyLoc); //Make the activator start a conversation with itself AssignCommand(oMyActivator, ActionStartConversation(oMyActivator, "dmwand", TRUE)); return; } if(GetTag(oItem)=="AutoFollow") { object oTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget(); if(GetIsObjectValid(oTarget)) { AssignCommand ( oActivator, ActionForceFollowObject(oTarget)); } return; } if(GetTag(oItem)=="WandOfFX") { // get the wand's activator and target, put target info into local vars on activator object oDM = GetItemActivator(); object oMyTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget(); SetLocalObject(oDM, "FXWandTarget", oMyTarget); location lTargetLoc = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation(); SetLocalLocation(oDM, "FXWandLoc", lTargetLoc); object oTest=GetFirstPC(); string sTestName = GetPCPlayerName(oDM); // Test to make sure the activator is a DM, or is a DM // controlling a creature. if(GetIsDM(oDM) != TRUE) { object oTest = GetFirstPC(); string sTestName = GetPCPlayerName(oDM); int nFound = FALSE; while (GetIsObjectValid(oTest) && (! nFound)) { if (GetPCPlayerName(oTest) == sTestName) { if(GetIsDM(oTest)) { nFound = TRUE; } else { DestroyObject(oItem); SendMessageToPC(oDM,"Vous n'etes qu'un mortel, ce n'est pas pour vous !"); return; } } oTest=GetNextPC(); } } //Make the activator start a conversation with itself AssignCommand(oDM, ActionStartConversation(oDM, "fxwand", TRUE)); return; } if(GetTag(oItem)=="Teleportation") //tag de l'item qui active la fenetre de dialogue de Tp\ { AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionStartConversation(oActivator, "teleportation", TRUE));//Nom du dialogue a activer une fois l'objet "utiliser"\ return; } if(GetTag(oItem)=="EmoteWand") { AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionStartConversation(oActivator, "emotewand", TRUE)); return; } if(GetTag(oItem)=="Tag de l'item") { AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionStartConversation(oActivator, "nom du dialoque", TRUE)); return; } { //ICI PIERRE DE RAPPEL\ // si l'objet est la pierre de retour on prend l'utilisateur et on le teleporte au portail if (GetTag(oItem)=="NW_pierrederappel") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un PJ if (GetIsPC(oActivator)) { AssignCommand(oActivator, JumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("NW_retournexus"))); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_BREACH), oActivator); } } } if (GetTag(oItem)=="AnneaudelaMainNoire") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un PJ if (GetIsPC(oActivator)) { AssignCommand(oActivator, JumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("cachotsdelacrypte"))); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_DISPEL_DISJUNCTION ), oActivator); } } if (GetTag(oItem)=="NW_Araignedor") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un PJ if (GetIsPC(oActivator)) { AssignCommand(oActivator, JumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("ileperduroymort"))); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_BREACH), oActivator); } } if (GetTag(oItem)=="tag de l'autre objet") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un PJ if (GetIsPC(oActivator)) { AssignCommand(oActivator, JumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("TAg de WP ou de l'objet,creature... de destination "))); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_BREACH), oActivator); } } if (GetTag(oItem)=="tag de l'autre objet") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un PJ if (GetIsPC(oActivator)) { AssignCommand(oActivator, JumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("TAg de WP ou de l'objet,creature... de destination "))); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_BREACH), oActivator); } } if (GetTag(oItem)=="PierredeVoyage") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un PJ if (GetIsPC(oActivator)) { AssignCommand(oActivator, JumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("rappelnexus"))); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_BREACH), oActivator); } } // si l'objet est l'oeil de Balor if (GetTag(oItem)== "OeilBalor") { SetLocalInt(GetModule(), "polymorph", 10); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_HORRID_WILTING), oActivator); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, EffectPolymorph(POLYMORPH_TYPE_BALOR), oActivator); } if (GetTag(oItem)=="dmfi_pc_emote") { // On verifie que l'utilisateur est un MD, sinon supprimer les 4 lignes suivants if (GetIsDM(oActivator)) { ExecuteScript("dmfi_activate", oActivator); } } } [nwscript] et j'ai ça sur mon onrest: NWScript :
int GetHourTimeZero(int iYear = 99999, int iMonth = 99, int iDay = 99, int iHour = 99) { // Check if a specific Date/Time is forwarded to the function. // If no or invalid values are forwarded to the function, the current Date/Time will be used if (iYear > 30000) iYear = GetCalendarYear(); if (iMonth > 12) iMonth = GetCalendarMonth(); if (iDay > 28) iDay = GetCalendarDay(); if (iHour > 23) iHour = GetTimeHour(); //Calculate and return the "HourTimeZero"-TimeI ndex int iHourTimeZero = (iYear)*12*28*24 + (iMonth-1)*28*24 + (iDay-1)*24 + iHour; return iHourTimeZero; } //:///////// //:: Main Function //:: Copyright (c) 2002 Brotherhood of Zock //:///////// /* The Main Function of the resting script. */ //:///////// //:: Created By: Timo "Lord Gsox" Bischoff (NWN Nick: Kihon) //:: Created On: August 04, 2002 //:///////// // The main function placed in the onRest event void main() { object oPC = GetLastPCRested(); // This Script only affects Player Characters. Familiars, summoned creatures and probably henchmen WILL rest! int iRestDelay = 5; // The ammount of hours a player must wait between Rests (Default = 8 hours) int iHostileRange = 20; // The radius around the players that must be free of hostiles in order to rest. // iHostileRange = 0: Hostile Check disabled // iHostileRange = x; Radius of Hostile Check (x meters) // This can be abused as some sort of "monster radar". // ---------- Rest Event started ---------- if (GetLastRestEventType() == REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_STARTED) { // Check if since the last rest more than <iRestDelay> hours have passed. if (GetHourTimeZero() < GetLocalInt (oPC, "i_TI_LastRest") + iRestDelay) // i_TI_LastRest is 0 when the player enters the module { // Resting IS NOT allowed AssignCommand (oPC, ClearAllActions()); // Prevent Resting SendMessageToPC (oPC,"Tu dois attendre " + IntToString (iRestDelay - (GetHourTimeZero() - GetLocalInt (oPC, "i_TI_LastRest"))) + " heure(s) avant de te reposer a nouveau."); } else // Resting IS possible { object oCreature = GetNearestCreature(CREATURE_TYPE_REPUTATION, REPUTATION_TYPE_ENEMY); if (iHostileRange == 0 || (iHostileRange != 0 && GetDistanceToObject(oCreature) <= IntToFloat(iHostileRange))) { // If Hostile Check disabled or no Hostiles within Hostile Radius: Initiate Resting object oRestbedroll = CreateObject (OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "plc_bedrolls", GetLocation (oPC), FALSE); // Place a static bedroll under the player SetLocalObject (oPC, "o_PL_Bedrollrest", oRestbedroll); // Temporary "global" variable. Gets deleted after deletion of the bedroll. SetLocalInt (oPC, "i_TI_LastRest", GetHourTimeZero()); // Set Last Rest Time } else { // Resting IS NOT allowed AssignCommand (oPC, ClearAllActions()); // Prevent Resting SendMessageToPC (oPC, "Tu ne peux pas te reposer : Il y a des ennemis tout pres..."); } } } // ---------- Rest Event finished or aborted ---------- if ((GetLastRestEventType() == REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_FINISHED || GetLastRestEventType() == REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_CANCELLED) && GetIsObjectValid(GetLocalObject (oPC, "o_PL_Bedrollrest"))) { // If a bedroll was placed under the player: Delete it DestroyObject (GetLocalObject (oPC, "o_PL_Bedrollrest"), 0.0f); DeleteLocalObject (oPC, "o_PL_Bedrollrest"); } } C'est long je sais mais merci d'avaance à ceux qui auront le courage... |
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diraen Novice Messages: 15 |
Ben si quelqu'un trouve ou est le souci ca m'interesse parce que moi je vois pas! Dernière édition par diraen le 04/07/2004 19:35:06; édité 1 fois
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Klemmth Seigneur Messages: 176 Localisation: france |
Les smilies dans les commentaires c'est fait expres ?
...... c'est bon, j'ai compris, je sort _________________ ... |
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