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Inscrit le: 22 Mai 2003
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Posté le : 01/01/2004 12:29:43 Sujet du message : Persistance d'un module non persistant

Voilà,je suis en train de dévellopper un module et je n'aurais d'autre solution que de l'héberger moi-même, hors il m'est impossible de le laisser tout le temps en marche.

Il me faudrait donc une solution qui me permette de retrouver les objets mis dans les coffres lors du relancement et d'autre choses comme les panneaux d'affichage.

Ma question est peut-être stupide mais suffit-il de sauvegarder le module ou faut-il utiliser un autre moyen?
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Inscrit le: 29 Oct 2003
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Posté le : 01/04/2004 18:20:35 Sujet du message :

D'apres moi la sauvegarde de la partie suffit.
Ensuite relance ton module en chargeant ta sauvegarde.
Par contre tu ne pourras pas modifier ton module a partir de ta sauvegarde (enfin si c'est possible je sais pas comment).
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Inscrit le: 06 Sep 2003
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Posté le : 02/04/2004 15:50:34 Sujet du message :

pour info, il est possible de modifier un mod après sauvegarde, oui.
La manip est un peu acrobatique mais si c'est bien fait, ça marche nickel Very Happy .
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Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2004
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Posté le : 02/04/2004 16:40:45 Sujet du message :

ManiacCop, si tu peux expliquer la méthode ou indiquer un lien ça serait sympa Smile
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Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2002
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Posté le : 02/04/2004 20:10:02 Sujet du message :

Je pense que c'est quelquechose qui se fait très bien avec la base de données de BioWare (la conservation du contenu des coffres etc.). Le gros avantage étant que ça permet aussi de conserver toutes ces informations en cas de plantage du module ! En règle générale, tout ce qui a été développé pour les mondes persistants en ce domaine est tout aussi utile pour les mondes semi-persistants. Mais sinon, la simple sauvegarde conserve ces données, mais rend difficile la mise à jour du module, et ne mets pas à l'abri des plantages, au cours desquels tu auras une perte d'informations si tu n'utilises que les sauvegardes Confused
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Inscrit le: 06 Sep 2003
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Posté le : 03/04/2004 10:11:34 Sujet du message :

Age disait :

Citation :
ManiacCop, si tu peux expliquer la méthode ou indiquer un lien ça serait sympa Smile
bon, je me souviens plus d'où j'ai trouvé ça mais c'est un simple tutorial (en anglais donc...). Je vous le met là :

Citation :
Saved Game Editing Tutorial

Version 1.0

With this procedure I have successfully changed the placement of tiles, and insert/deleted NPC's and animals from a saved game. It's long and intricate and there are a lot of places where it can go wrong. As Derek French said in his post where I started this from, it's not for the faint of heart. That being said, lets dig in...

Step One: Save a game. I didn't try this on the official campaign, because Bioware has stated that they treat the official campaign differently then other modules, I tried this on my Sundabar ALFA module.

The saved game is going to be in the nwn/saves directory. Each saved game has a directory under that. In the saved game directory is the .sav file.

Step Two: Rename the .sav file to .mod Then you will need to copy the .mod file into your modules directory. Once in the modules directory, open the .mod file with the toolset. You have to be careful with this, as the .sav file will have the name of the module. You DO NOT want to overwrite you existing module. BE SURE to backup the original module before attempting any of this.

Step Three: Once you have the new .mod file in your modules directory, you are ready to fire up the toolset and make whatever changes you need to make.

Now while making these changes, make note of everything that you change.

Step Four: Once you are done making the changes, export them all. This will create .erf file in the directory of your choice.

Step Five: Once you have all the resources that you changed exported, then open that directory with windows explorer, and rename all the .erf files to .hak

Step Six: Now go to the saved game directory, and rename the .mod file in that directory to .hak

Step Seven: Once you have renamed that file, open it with the HakPak utility, located in the nwn/utils directory.

Step Eight: Export all the items in that .hak file HAK directory that you will need to create in the saved game directory.

Step Nine: Once all that information is exported, close this copy of the hak editor, and open a new copy. You will need to open each of the .hak files that you exported a few minutes ago from the toolset. Open each of these .hak files, and export them into the same directory that you just exported the contents of the saved game .hak If it asks to overwrite resources, just tell it yes.

When you have finished going through each of the .hak files from the toolset, close the hak editor.

Step Ten: Now reopen the saved game .hak file and remove all the resources that are in the file. You should have a blank file when you are done. Then click add, and readd all the resources that are in the HAK export directory that we created a minute ago. Just select them all, and then click open. This will add them all back, with the changed ones instead of the original ones from the saved game.

Step Eleven: Once you have done that save the file. After you have saved the file, close the hak editor.

Step Twelve: Now go back to windows explorer, and rename the saved game .hak file back to a .sav file.

You should now be able to load the saved game with NWN and your changes should now be reflected.

I haven't tested this all with PC's and the like, and I haven't messed with scripts updates or conversation updates, but they should be the same.

This should be a good jumping point for editing saved games, and making updates in a PW.

If I've completely screwed up this version, please let me know. I've tested, and been able to edit things about a dozen times before I posted this revision.

Good luck, and remember to backup everything that you care about before attempting ANY of the above...
et puis j'ai un autre document aussi...

Citation :
With this procedure I have successfully changed the placement of tiles, and insert/deleted NPC's and animals from a saved game. It's long and intricate and there are a lot of places where it can go wrong. As Derek French said in his post where I started this from, it's not for the faint of heart. That being said, lets dig in...

Step One: Save a game. I didn't try this on the official campaign, because Bioware has stated that they treat the official campaign differently then other modules, I tried this on my Sundabar AFLA module.

The saved game is going to be in the nwn/saves directory. Each saved game has a directory under that. In the saved game directory is the .sav file.

Step Two: Rename the .sav file to .mod Then you will need to copy the .mod file into your modules directory. Once in the modules directory, open the .mod file with the toolset. You have to be careful with this, as the .sav file will have the name of the module. You DO NOT want to overwrite you existing module. BE SURE to backup the original module before attempting any of this.

Step Three: Once you have the new .mod file in your modules directory, you are ready to fire up the toolset and make whatever changes you need to make.

Now while making these changes, make note of everything that you change.

Step Four: Once you are done making the changes, export them all. This will create .erf file in the directory of your choice.

Step Five: Once you have all the resources that you changed exported, then open that directory with windows explorer, and rename all the .erf files to .hak

Step Six: Now go to the saved game directory, and rename the .mod file in that directory to .hak

Step Seven: Once you have renamed that file, open it with the HakPak utility, located in the nwn/utils directory.

Step Eight: Export all the items in that .hak file HAK directory that you will need to create in the saved game directory.

Step Nine: Once all that information is exported, close this copy of the hak editor, and open a new copy. You will need to open each of the .hak files that you exported a few minutes ago from the toolset. Open each of these .hak files, and export them into the same directory that you just exported the contents of the saved game .hak If it asks to overwrite resources, just tell it yes.

When you have finished going through each of the .hak files from the toolset, close the hak editor.

Step Ten: Now reopen the saved game .hak file and remove all the resources that are in the file. You should have a blank file when you are done. Then click add, and readd all the resources that are in the HAK export directory that we created a minute ago. Just select them all, and then click open. This will add them all back, with the changed ones instead of the original ones from the saved game.

Step Eleven: Once you have done that save the file. After you have saved the file, close the hak editor.

Step Twelve: Now go back to windows explorer, and rename the saved game .hak file back to a .sav file.

You should now be able to load the saved game with NWN and your changes should now be reflected.

I haven't tested this all with PC's and the like, and I haven't messed with scripts updates or conversation updates, but they should be the same.

This should be a good jumping point for editing saved games, and making updates in a PW.
je suis désolé de pas avoir pris le temps de traduire mais bon, vous serez indulgents avec moi sur ce coup, je vous fais confiance... Smile

J'ai testé et ça marche bien mais quoi qu'il en soit, je serais du même avis que Gorkk : utiliser la base de donnée intégrée à NWN ; c'est plus simple et ç'est aussi adapté aux semi-persistants qu'aux persistants.
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