La Bibliothèque de Neverwinter Nights
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L'homme qui chutait sur le macadam
Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2002
Messages: 14067
Localisation: Quadran Alpha
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Posté le : 27/08/2003 11:51:13 Sujet du message : Fansites Stuff : Dons de HotU

Ca y est : on recommence la cavalcade de Shadows of Undrentide avec les nouveaux dons d'Horde of the Underdark en provenance exclusive de Bioware rien que pour les fansites !

Energy Resistance

Your natural affinity for a specific energy in this world has blossomed with experience and training into a distinct advantage over your opponents…and to your own companions dismay when they realize that they do not share your gifts.

Each different form of energy must be taken separately Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic

Type of Feat: Defensive

Prerequisite: 21st level

Specifics: The character gains resistance 10 to the specific type of energy named form of damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of 100.

Use: Automatic.

Player Note: As your levels move higher and higher so to the chance that you may be called on to travel to areas that are inhospitable and even deadly to unprotected travelers.

Great Char, Con, Dex, Int, Str or Wis

You have realized that all the training in the world cannot exceed one thing: your natural limits. As impossible as it seems you must better yourself before you can continue to better your skills. You have selected what is the most important to you and have turned you mind and body to breaking through your own borders for enlightenment.

Type of Feat: General

Prerequisite: 21st level

Specifics: The character gains a +1 to their chosen ability. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10.

Use: Automatic.

Player Note: The benefit of increasing your natural attributes cannot be underestimated but if this is the best use of feat must also be considered as feats are precious, few and far apart.

Whirlwind Attack

Lesser opponents think that numbers will give them some sort of advantage when facing your prowess. Little do they know that by massing around you all they are doing is placing themselves in a more convenient location to strike. You have learned how to move from one opponent to the next without breaking stride to watch their horrified faces.

Type of Feat: General

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Expertise, Dexterity 13+, Dodge, Mobility, base attack of +4 or higher and Spring Attack.

Specifics: The character performs a full attack action, and makes one melee attack at full base attack bonus against each opponent within 5 feet.

Use: Selected.

Player Note: Crowds of minions should not be a problem when you need to move on to greater foes. This attack will make sure you keep your more dire appointments.

Une version française est à venir comme de bien entendu.

#nwnights-fr @ TitanQuest-FR
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Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2003
Messages: 253
Localisation: Amiens
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Posté le : 27/08/2003 12:29:26 Sujet du message :

Avec du retard, comme de bien entendu.
"Le temps c'est comme l'argent, on en a jamais assez..."
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L'homme qui chutait sur le macadam
Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2002
Messages: 14067
Localisation: Quadran Alpha
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Posté le : 27/08/2003 12:36:25 Sujet du message :

Pas de l'addon, des dons. Même si la remarque est marrante Very Happy
#nwnights-fr @ TitanQuest-FR
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Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2003
Messages: 253
Localisation: Amiens
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Posté le : 27/08/2003 13:56:35 Sujet du message :

Imaginez qu'atary traduise les informations venu de l'étranger, on apprendrait aujourd'hui à la télé qu'il y a eu un problème aux USA avec une histoire de tours et d'avion Wink
"Le temps c'est comme l'argent, on en a jamais assez..."
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