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La Bibliothèque Binaire du NWScript - Neverwinter Nights
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samhuin Ecuyer Messages: 43 |
bonjour, je n'arrive pas a compilé ces 2scripts ensemble quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?
NWScript : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Le code a colorer syntaxiquement est trop long (plus de 10240 caractères) et risque de ne pas s'afficher du tout. Vous pouvez le voir en version colorée ici.// // Craftable Natural Resources (CNR) by Festyx // // Name: cnr_module_onact // // Desc: This script must be run by the module's // OnActivateItem event handler. // // Author: David Bobeck 08Jan03 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "cnr_recipe_utils" #include "gsc_include" void main() { object oItem = GetItemActivated(); object oActivator = GetItemActivator(); if (CnrRecipeBookOnActivateItem(oItem, oActivator)) { return; } if (CnrJournalOnActivateItem(oItem, oActivator)) { return; } { GSC_AttivaSella(); } { object oItem=GetItemActivated(); object oUser=GetItemActivator(); object oOther=GetItemActivatedTarget(); location lLocation=GetItemActivatedTargetLocation(); string sItemTag=GetTag(oItem); dmw_CleanUp(oUser); if (GetStringLeft(sItemTag, == "hlslang_") { //Destroy any existing Voice attached to the user if (GetIsObjectValid(GetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice"))) { DestroyObject(GetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice")); FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You have destroyed your previous Voice", oUser, FALSE); } //Set the Voice to interpret language of the appropriate widget string ssLanguage = GetStringRight(sItemTag, 2); if (GetStringLeft(ssLanguage, 1) == "_") ssLanguage = GetStringRight(sItemTag, 1); SetLocalInt(oUser, "hls_MyLanguage", StringToInt(ssLanguage)); SetLocalString(oUser, "hls_MyLanguageName", GetName(oItem)); DelayCommand(1.0f, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You are speaking " + GetName(oItem) + ". Type /dm [(what you want to say in brackets)]", oUser, FALSE)); object oArea = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(oUser)); while (GetIsObjectValid(oArea)) { if (GetObjectType(oArea) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE && GetLocalInt(oArea, "hls_Listening") && GetDistanceBetween(oUser, oArea) < 20.0f && oArea != GetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice")) { DeleteLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice"); return; } oArea = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(oUser)); } //Create the Voice object oVoice = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "dmfi_voice", GetLocation(oUser)); //Set the Voice to Autofollow the User AssignCommand(oVoice, ActionForceFollowObject(oUser, 3.0f)); //Set Ownership of the Voice to the User SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice", oVoice); return; } if (GetStringLeft(sItemTag, == "dmfi_pc_") { if (sItemTag == "dmfi_pc_follow") { if (GetIsObjectValid(oOther)) { FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Now following "+ GetName(oOther),oUser, FALSE); DelayCommand(2.0f, AssignCommand(oUser, ActionForceFollowObject(oOther, 2.0f))); } return; } SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_univ_target", oUser); SetLocalLocation(oUser, "dmfi_univ_location", lLocation); SetLocalString(oUser, "dmfi_univ_conv", GetStringRight(sItemTag, GetStringLength(sItemTag) - 5)); AssignCommand(oUser, ClearAllActions()); AssignCommand(oUser, ActionStartConversation(OBJECT_SELF, "dmfi_universal", TRUE)); return; } if (GetStringLeft(sItemTag, 5) == "dmfi_") { if (!GetIsDM(oUser) && !GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "dmfi_Admin" + GetPCPublicCDKey(oUser)) && !GetLocalInt(oUser, "hls_Listening") && GetIsPC(oUser) && GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "dmfi_DMToolLock")) { FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You cannot use this item." ,oUser, FALSE); SendMessageToAllDMs(GetName(oUser)+ " is attempting to use a DM item."); return; } if (sItemTag == "dmfi_exploder") { if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_afflict"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_afflict", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_dicebag"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_dicebag", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_pc_dicebag"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_pc_dicebag", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_pc_follow"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_pc_follow", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_pc_emote"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_pc_emote", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_dmw"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_dmw", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_emote"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_emote", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_encounter"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_encounter", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_faction"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_faction", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_fx"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_fx", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_music"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_music", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_sound"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_sound", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_voice"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_voice", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_xp"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_xp", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_500xp"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_500xp", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_en_ditto"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_en_ditto", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_mute"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_mute", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_peace"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_peace", oUser); if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oUser, "dmfi_voicewidget"))) CreateItemOnObject("dmfi_voicewidget", oUser); return; } if (sItemTag == "dmfi_peace") { //This widget sets all creatures in the area to a neutral stance and clears combat. object oArea = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(oUser)); object oP; while (GetIsObjectValid(oArea)) { if (GetObjectType(oArea) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE && !GetIsPC(oArea)) { AssignCommand(oArea, ClearAllActions(TRUE)); oP = GetFirstPC(); while (GetIsObjectValid(oP)) { if (GetArea(oP) == GetArea(oUser)) { ClearPersonalReputation(oArea, oP); SetStandardFactionReputation(STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE, 25, oP); SetStandardFactionReputation(STANDARD_FACTION_COMMONER, 91, oP); SetStandardFactionReputation(STANDARD_FACTION_MERCHANT, 91, oP); SetStandardFactionReputation(STANDARD_FACTION_DEFENDER, 91, oP); } oP = GetNextPC(); } AssignCommand(oArea, ClearAllActions(TRUE)); } oArea = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(oUser)); } } if (sItemTag == "dmfi_voicewidget") { object oVoice; //Destroy any existing Voice attached to the user if (GetIsObjectValid(GetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice"))) { DestroyObject(GetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice")); FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You have destroyed your previous Voice", oUser, FALSE); } if (GetIsObjectValid(oOther)) { SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_VoiceTarget", oOther); FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You have targeted " + GetName(oOther) + " with the Voice Widget", oUser, FALSE); object oArea = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(oUser)); while (GetIsObjectValid(oArea)) { if (GetObjectType(oArea) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE && GetLocalInt(oArea, "hls_Listening") && GetDistanceBetween(oUser, oArea) < 20.0f && oArea != GetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice")) { DeleteLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice"); return; } oArea = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(oUser)); } //Create the Voice object oVoice = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "dmfi_voice", GetLocation(oUser)); //Set Ownership of the Voice to the User AssignCommand(oVoice, ActionForceFollowObject(oUser, 3.0f)); SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice", oVoice); return; } else { //Create the Voice oVoice = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "dmfi_voice", lLocation); AssignCommand(oVoice, ActionForceFollowObject(oUser, 3.0f)); SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_VoiceTarget", oVoice); //Set Ownership of the Voice to the User SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_MyVoice", oVoice); DelayCommand(1.0f, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("The Voice is operational", oUser, FALSE)); return; } return; } if (sItemTag == "dmfi_mute") { SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_univ_target", oUser); SetLocalString(oUser, "dmfi_univ_conv", "voice"); SetLocalInt(oUser, "dmfi_univ_int", ; ExecuteScript("dmfi_execute", oUser); return; } if (sItemTag == "dmfi_en_ditto") { SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_univ_target", oOther); SetLocalLocation(oUser, "dmfi_univ_location", lLocation); SetLocalString(oUser, "dmfi_univ_conv", "encounter"); SetLocalInt(oUser, "dmfi_univ_int", GetLocalInt(oUser, "EncounterType")); ExecuteScript("dmfi_execute", oUser); return; } if (sItemTag == "dmfi_500xp") { SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_univ_target", oOther); SetLocalLocation(oUser, "dmfi_univ_location", lLocation); SetLocalString(oUser, "dmfi_univ_conv", "xp"); SetLocalInt(oUser, "dmfi_univ_int", 53); ExecuteScript("dmfi_execute", oUser); return; } SetLocalObject(oUser, "dmfi_univ_target", oOther); SetLocalLocation(oUser, "dmfi_univ_location", lLocation); SetLocalString(oUser, "dmfi_univ_conv", GetStringRight(sItemTag, GetStringLength(sItemTag) - 5)); AssignCommand(oUser, ClearAllActions()); AssignCommand(oUser, ActionStartConversation(OBJECT_SELF, "dmfi_universal", TRUE)); } }} void dmw_CleanUp(object oMySpeaker) { int nCount; int nCache; DeleteLocalObject(oMySpeaker, "dmfi_univ_target"); DeleteLocalLocation(oMySpeaker, "dmfi_univ_location"); DeleteLocalObject(oMySpeaker, "dmw_item"); DeleteLocalString(oMySpeaker, "dmw_repamt"); DeleteLocalString(oMySpeaker, "dmw_repargs"); nCache = GetLocalInt(oMySpeaker, "dmw_playercache"); for(nCount = 1; nCount <= nCache; nCount++) { DeleteLocalObject(oMySpeaker, "dmw_playercache" + IntToString(nCount)); } DeleteLocalInt(oMySpeaker, "dmw_playercache"); nCache = GetLocalInt(oMySpeaker, "dmw_itemcache"); for(nCount = 1; nCount <= nCache; nCount++) { DeleteLocalObject(oMySpeaker, "dmw_itemcache" + IntToString(nCount)); } DeleteLocalInt(oMySpeaker, "dmw_itemcache"); for(nCount = 1; nCount <= 10; nCount++) { DeleteLocalString(oMySpeaker, "dmw_dialog" + IntToString(nCount)); DeleteLocalString(oMySpeaker, "dmw_function" + IntToString(nCount)); DeleteLocalString(oMySpeaker, "dmw_params" + IntToString(nCount)); } DeleteLocalString(oMySpeaker, "dmw_playerfunc"); DeleteLocalInt(oMySpeaker, "dmw_started"); } |
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Black Knight Grand Maître Chanteur du Conseil Messages: 1031 Localisation: Fin fond du trou du cul du monde |
NWScript :
if (CnrJournalOnActivateItem(oItem, oActivator)) { return; } {(*) GSC_AttivaSella(); } {(**) /* warning: 1 unclosed block {} */ Sa veut rien dire, tu ouvre une parenthese comme sa (*), et tu ouvre encore une autre parenthse comme sa (**). C'est pas normaleme, faut mettre je sais pas un Else, un IF, ou un Void main, ou un autre truc du genre _________________ [http] |
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Sith Vicious Grand Sage du Conseil Messages: 693 |
Non ça vient pas de là, c'est vrai qu'elles servent à rien, mais tu peux les laisser.
Si tu nous disais le message d'erreur ça nous aiderait (j'ai pas le gsc_include, donc je peux pas le compiler chez moi). A tout hasard ça serait pas tout betement "Variable already used within scope" ?? Parceque tu définis 2 fois oItem, ça peut venir de là (vire le deuxième). |
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samhuin Ecuyer Messages: 43 |
j'ai trouver une autre solution qui a l'aire de fonctionner.
NWScript :
#include "cnr_recipe_utils" #include "gsc_include" void main() { object oItem = GetItemActivated(); object oActivator = GetItemActivator(); if (CnrRecipeBookOnActivateItem(oItem, oActivator)) { return; } if (CnrJournalOnActivateItem(oItem, oActivator)) { return; } { GSC_AttivaSella(); } ExecuteScript ("dmfi_activate", OBJECT_SELF); } le message etait un probleme de variable qu'il ne reconnaissait pas. la tout fonctione. Merci du coup de main. |
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