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Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2002
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Localisation: Asteroïde B-612 actuellement crashé en Suisse
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Posté le : 15/04/2004 18:11:26 Sujet du message : NWCon II

Ce soir à 1 heure du matin s'ouvrira la deuxième edition du Neverwinter Convention (qu'on raccourci par NWCon).

À l'occasion de cet ouverture se déroulera un chat IRC avec, entre autre, les membres du Live-Team Bioware, du DLA, du CODI et du D20.

La fin du chat est estimé à 3 heures du matin. Bien entendu, la session se déroulera en anglais.

L'adresse du serveur est "" et le nom du salon est #NWCon_Seminars.

_________________ (chez moi) | (LE site sur Tetris) | Grospixels (c'était mieux avant) | Geekzone (for and by crazy geeks)

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Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2002
Messages: 2043
Localisation: Asteroïde B-612 actuellement crashé en Suisse
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Posté le : 16/04/2004 10:45:43 Sujet du message :

'me fait schleu de faire un truc propre Embarassed :

2004-04-16 02:02:18] *** Cygnata|Chair sets channel #NWCon_Seminars mode +m
[2004-04-16 02:02:23] <CODI|Shkuey> Thats my hand and my teeth in one night
[2004-04-16 02:02:34] <Cygnata|Chair> Staffers, join the staff channel.
[2004-04-16 02:02:41] * Cygnata|Chair hands the floor to J'Dai
[2004-04-16 02:03:53] <JDai|CoChair> I'd like to welcome everyone to the first event - the Kickoff, no less - for NWConII!
[2004-04-16 02:04:33] <JDai|CoChair> It's great to see everyone - panelists, staff and audience - for what I hope is a very fun weekend of gaming goodness!
[2004-04-16 02:05:06] <JDai|CoChair> I'll cover a few operational bits of information, then turn this event over to my esteemed coChair, Cygnata.
[2004-04-16 02:05:49] <JDai|CoChair> If you have something you would like to ask any of the team members, please message our question takers. Please do not message anyone else for your question will not be forwarded. joined
[2004-04-16 02:06:24] <JDai|CoChair> The question takers for this evening are KeenAmateur, MPskydog, Fandomlife and garnak.
[2004-04-16 02:06:38] <JDai|CoChair> I want to thank them now, because I may forget later. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:07:17] <JDai|CoChair> You can double-click on their names to send them those questions. Please be patient, as we have a full house here tonight.
[2004-04-16 02:07:35] <BioJay> Cool
[2004-04-16 02:07:40] <JDai|CoChair> Without further ado, let's get this rolling. Take it away, Cygnata!!
[2004-04-16 02:08:08] <Cygnata|Chair> Heh. Once again, welcome eeryone, and good morning, sunrunner, our 5th Question Taker. Good nap? Wink
[2004-04-16 02:08:30] <QT|sunrunner20> yea
[2004-04-16 02:09:16] <Cygnata|Chair> Anyway. Tonight, we have members from Bioware, The City of Doors Team, D20 Modern, and Dragonlance Adventures, including Lisa. Very Happy
[2004-04-16 02:09:34] <BioJay> Lisa?! She rocks!
[2004-04-16 02:09:39] * BioGeorg cheers for Lisa
[2004-04-16 02:09:58] <d20mm|geekfiend> Yay!
[2004-04-16 02:10:04] * DLA|Lisa does a twirl for the audiance
[2004-04-16 02:10:17] * DLA|Joco points at Lisa
[2004-04-16 02:10:24] <BioJay> I'm all a twitter. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:10:31] * DLA|Velmar applauds
[2004-04-16 02:10:33] <Cygnata|Chair> Most of these names you've probably seen in the forums of the vault. These esteemed custom content creators are here to help us kick off the Con in style. I'll let everyone say a few words about themselves, and then we'll get down to the business of answering your questions. Very Happy
[2004-04-16 02:11:19] <Cygnata|Chair> So, without further ado, take it away, panelists, and QTer's, you may take questions at any time. We'll begin answering after introductions. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:13:04] <BioJay> I'm Jay Watamaniuk, Community Manager of BioWare
[2004-04-16 02:13:24] <BioGeorg> Georg Zoeller, Bioware Technical Designer on NWN:HotU and now working on Jade Empire joined
[2004-04-16 02:14:01] <DLA|Steel_Wind> I'm Robert Trifts, Project Lead, DLA - with me are:
[2004-04-16 02:14:04] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Acropole - 3d, Blackmoon - 3d, Brainbyte - scriptor, Copperkat - Lead Builder, Dave - Sound and Music, Elryn - Anims & 3d, Joco - Prgramming, Lisa - 3d & textures, Munchkin - 2d/3d,
[2004-04-16 02:14:12] <DLA|Steel_Wind> NexusJnr - Lead Textures, Ragnmarok - Anims & 3d, Ron Norton - Lea Artist, Strat - scriptor & PrCs, Terrel-Fen - 3d, Thrikreen - Anims & 3d, Velmar - technical art & 3d
[2004-04-16 02:14:17] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [done]
[2004-04-16 02:14:44] <CODI|Papermonk> I'm Travis Addington, Project Lead for the City of Doors Initiative
[2004-04-16 02:15:36] <d20mm|geekfiend> I'm Joe LaPenna, d20Modern Modification Project Lead. I've got with me Knightfell, my cohort in modern crime, and angelgabe cheerleader extrordinare
[2004-04-16 02:15:49] <D20mm|Knightfell> howdy
[2004-04-16 02:15:54] <D20mm|angelgabe> smiles and winks...
[2004-04-16 02:15:58] <CODI|Papermonk> With us is Ghostfactory-art, Jupp-art, Kuhrak-HR, MacIntyre-er.. whatever it is he does, Namelessone-programming, RedR - QA, Shkuey - Programming, Snowmit - Design, Stephen - Sound, Thraka (absent) writing, Tranquil - Art, and DLA|David who is also with us too in Music
[2004-04-16 02:16:18] <CODI|MacIntyre> (Organization Wink )
[2004-04-16 02:16:23] <CODI|Papermonk> (done)
[2004-04-16 02:16:36] <CODI|Papermonk> (sure sure :wink; organized! )
[2004-04-16 02:17:40] <Cygnata|Chair> As a reminder. Please ONLY page the Question takers. They are the people with +QT| in front of their names
[2004-04-16 02:19:05] * BioGeorg coughs into the silence
[2004-04-16 02:19:35] <Cygnata|Chair> Ok, question time Smile
[2004-04-16 02:20:45] <Cygnata|Chair> <iced1138> for Bioware - with the success of Neverwinter , will you be including a toolset with future bioware games?
[2004-04-16 02:21:06] <BioJay> Writing now...
[2004-04-16 02:21:55] <BioJay> Great question! The Toolset has been such a success for NWN and for the community that it is very hard to ignore the impact.
[2004-04-16 02:22:39] <BioJay> Right now BioWare is at the very early stages of planning for upcoming titles and the leads themselves are not sure what will be included.
[2004-04-16 02:23:15] <BioJay> I would think that all the press, community mods, and community advenutres created would work to sway any calls that are made for the future.
[2004-04-16 02:23:17] <BioJay> Done.
[2004-04-16 02:25:00] <BioGeorg> Hey, our QA ninja just joined Smile
[2004-04-16 02:25:11] <BioJay> Were saved!
[2004-04-16 02:25:11] <BioNinja> That's me. Hi, everyone
[2004-04-16 02:25:13] * d20mm|geekfiend grasps spoon
[2004-04-16 02:25:27] <d20mm|geekfiend> I'm not dropping the spoon, I promise,
[2004-04-16 02:25:42] <DLA|Steel_Wind> there IS no spoon
[2004-04-16 02:27:25] <BioNinja> A lot of people in here tonight. I know of CODI and DLA, but that's about it.
[2004-04-16 02:27:52] <D20mm|Knightfell> <-- those D20 guys
[2004-04-16 02:28:09] <BioGeorg> The "drive a car in neverwinter guys" Smile
[2004-04-16 02:28:24] <BioNinja> Oh, D20 Modern. Gotcha. And QT?
[2004-04-16 02:28:25] <BioJay> Very coool.Smile
[2004-04-16 02:28:34] <CODI|Shkuey> Question Takers..
[2004-04-16 02:28:40] <d20mm|geekfiend> Thanks guys.
[2004-04-16 02:28:54] <QT|Mpskydog> We're not important, don't worry. Wink
[2004-04-16 02:29:00] <BioNinja> Excellent. Thank you for clarifying. I am an IRC newbie.
[2004-04-16 02:29:13] <BioJay> We just did a Wednesday item that was a bit of intro to the d20 Modern guys a few weeks ago. Very neat stuff.
[2004-04-16 02:29:19] <BioGeorg> I always thought it would be a nice ending to drive off with Aribeth in that red car after the campaign is over Wink
[2004-04-16 02:29:28] <BioNinja> Speaking of questions, do we have another one on the way? (Besides this one, I mean)
[2004-04-16 02:30:06] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [Lazybones] Any release dates for CODI and/or DLA coming up?
[2004-04-16 02:30:22] <BioJay> I'm keen to know that too. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:30:27] <CODI|Papermonk> The City of Doors Initiative is expecting release around May/June.
[2004-04-16 02:30:32] <CODI|Papermonk> (done)
[2004-04-16 02:30:49] <DLA|Steel_Wind> as for DLA - no. I posted on this matter a few weeks ago. Our content is about 70-80% done, mod building much less progressed than that.
[2004-04-16 02:31:12] <DLA|Steel_Wind> So when it is done will have to do I am afraid. But the finish line is on the far horizon
[2004-04-16 02:31:23] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [done]
[2004-04-16 02:31:25] <d20mm|geekfiend> And if you all care to know, we're looking at a second beta release in the next week or so, along with a treat for tomorrow. We're hoping for a summer 1.0 release
[2004-04-16 02:31:53] <BioGeorg> a treat ... nice Smile
[2004-04-16 02:31:59] <BioNinja> Papermonk and Steel_Wind, you've got a lot of people in the office here (me included) really excited about your respective projects. I'm constantly amazed at the amount of creativity and passion that exists in the NWN community.
[2004-04-16 02:32:07] <D20mm|Knightfell> summer? i wanted to get my tan on
[2004-04-16 02:32:16] <BioJay> d20 Modern for summer? Cool.
[2004-04-16 02:32:33] <d20mm|geekfiend> Luckily, summer is three months long. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:33:08] <CODI|Papermonk> Is that a question or we just gettin love? Thanks though. Ditto! :grins: We appreciate all the support we've gotten from BW. I don't think things would be even close to where they are if the community has not had as much support as it has
[2004-04-16 02:33:39] <BioGeorg> [Talancer] Also, it is currently difficult for the "inexpierenced" scripter to add new classes and or feats to the game, will there be an update or expansion that may make this process accesable to the average builder? And would this be able to be included in a hak or similar format?
[2004-04-16 02:33:40] <BioNinja> Sorry if I've spoken out of turn; that was just love. No question.
[2004-04-16 02:34:24] <BioGeorg> While the upcoming patch(es) will make it easier to add new content to the game and remove a couple of hurdles that existed in doing certain stuff...
[2004-04-16 02:35:03] <BioGeorg> we have no plans of putting out an expansion or anything similar to make adding new classes or other core game elements easier - it is a very technical process...
[2004-04-16 02:35:41] <BioGeorg> and there is just too many things that can break. I can recommend the CODI tools for those tasks however
[2004-04-16 02:35:48] <BioGeorg> (done)
[2004-04-16 02:35:54] <CODI|Papermonk> We're good at breaking things. (done)
[2004-04-16 02:36:09] <DLA|Stratovarius> Building classes for NWN varies greatly on how good a scripter you are, since almost everything runs off of that for community content. For tools i use the Toolset, Notepad, and CODI Custom Content Helpre. (ddone)
[2004-04-16 02:36:18] <CODI|Shkuey> With all that is involved with a new class it doesntly really matter how easy it is, you still have to understand how it all relates to the game. So there may be a big learning curve, but there isnt much you can do about it.
[2004-04-16 02:36:40] <CODI|Snowmit> CODI custom content helper is here: [http]
[2004-04-16 02:37:42] <CODI|Snowmit> Er, that's the wrong link.
[2004-04-16 02:38:09] <CODI|Shkuey> thats a good one too though Smile
[2004-04-16 02:38:23] <CODI|Snowmit> It's here.
[2004-04-16 02:38:24] <CODI|Snowmit> [http]
[2004-04-16 02:38:30] <CODI|Snowmit> Sorry about that. (done)
[2004-04-16 02:39:08] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [Ochobee] for all the CC folk: How much (if any) do you work together on content, both in the sharing of ideas and working towards compatiblity with each other's work?
[2004-04-16 02:39:22] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Good question. Yes we do.
[2004-04-16 02:39:46] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Prior to the CEP's release, Eligio Papermonk and I were in communcation on some of the compatibility issues.
[2004-04-16 02:40:19] <DLA|Steel_Wind> CODI and DLA maintain our own private IRC channel for communication as well
[2004-04-16 02:40:47] <DLA|Steel_Wind> as it stands now - CODI will be releasing before we are, so we'll try to keep the 2das juggling between CEP, CODI and our own content
[2004-04-16 02:41:23] <DLA|Steel_Wind> there are some other more sensitive cimpoatibility issues too - on [censored] which batinthehat and NExusJnr sort out too.
[2004-04-16 02:41:29] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [done]
[2004-04-16 02:41:33] <CODI|Papermonk> Mainly we just talk about monkeys and make fun of one another in our common room, but sometimes we discuss serious issues such as who we think will win American Idol, and.. dds files and alpha maps and things, too.
[2004-04-16 02:41:36] <CODI|Papermonk> (done)
[2004-04-16 02:42:03] <d20mm|geekfiend> d20mm is a little different in regards to the compatibility issue, since our project is so different then most everyone elses
[2004-04-16 02:42:09] <D20mm|Knightfell> we just look at the other two projects and go wow
[2004-04-16 02:42:24] <d20mm|geekfiend> So while we'd love to keep compatiblity it'd be very difficult to do to any degree of success.
[2004-04-16 02:42:28] <d20mm|geekfiend> [done]
[2004-04-16 02:42:29] <D20mm|angelgabe> And thank them for their moral support
[2004-04-16 02:42:48] <BioGeorg> There's a lot of comm on the official custom content boards on as well - it's nice to that people in the NWN community work together in that way (as opposed to other communities I've seen)
[2004-04-16 02:42:54] <CODI|Snowmit> We also use CVS for files and sometimes teamspeak for importan discussions. Plus we make heavy use of the forums to keep track of decisions. (done)
[2004-04-16 02:44:57] <QT|Fandomlife> <QT|Fandomlife> <FN-Thoronen> for bioware: Is there anything that has been done by the community that in retrospect you would liked to have included in the official releases?
[2004-04-16 02:45:06] <BioNinja> I got this one.
[2004-04-16 02:45:19] *** aser changed nick to PRC|aser
[2004-04-16 02:45:25] <BioNinja> The easy answer is the simplest: EVERY-FREAKING-THING!
[2004-04-16 02:45:51] <BioTorlack> *cough* command line script compiler Razz
[2004-04-16 02:45:53] <CODI|Shkuey> They cried when we got the stick figure model out the door first, I know it
[2004-04-16 02:45:57] <BioNinja> But the complex answer is more involved: In hindsight, it's very easy for us as a company to ask ourselves "Why didn't we do that?" or "Why didn't we think of that?"
[2004-04-16 02:46:25] <BioGeorg> what's up Tim, the commandline compiler is nice, just not as fast as yours Smile
[2004-04-16 02:46:37] <BioNinja> But, as with the community developers, we had to take a good hard look at what kinds of things were going to work the best with the ggame concept we had.
[2004-04-16 02:47:17] <BioJay> It always comes down to time. The game has to go out at some point and it takes a vast, talented commuity to show us some curve balls when they get a look it. Why some the most talented work here. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:47:37] <BioNinja> If we kept everything that we'd wanted to include, the game STILL wouldn't be out yet. In various stages, features were cut. Some of these features were very cool and would have made the game look uber-cool, but I don't think any of them would have made a better whole game experience.
[2004-04-16 02:47:50] <BioGeorg> but with our fairly frequent patches, there's always room to add one thing here and there.
[2004-04-16 02:48:18] <BioNinja> Horses, for example, got us a whole ton of flack. But if you look at the game as we released it, horses wouldn't have played out very well.
[2004-04-16 02:48:43] <BioNinja> <done>
[2004-04-16 02:48:52] <BioGeorg> Both Tim and I started in the community... <done>
[2004-04-16 02:49:11] <BioJay> And they are both very crazy. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:49:16] <QT|Fandomlife> Aew CODI and/or DLA working with any PW operators on incorporating their work?
[2004-04-16 02:49:34] <DLA|NexusJnr> as far as DLA:
[2004-04-16 02:49:35] <DLA|NexusJnr> short is no not directly - long is we are going out of our way to benifit the community in genral in terms of creating PC parts where we could easily do whole models, new heads and clothing - this is more of a benifit to the PW and module builders than for our own benifit
[2004-04-16 02:50:01] <DLA|NexusJnr> we also have DL groupies on our forum who are setting up their own PW's with our content (when it's released)
[2004-04-16 02:50:08] <CODI|Kuhrak> As far as CODI, i'll keep it simple
[2004-04-16 02:50:51] <CODI|Kuhrak> No we are not working with anyone and we don't have plans to but any PW group is welcome to take anything we make, once its released, and use it for their PW
[2004-04-16 02:51:07] <CODI|Kuhrak> done
[2004-04-16 02:51:16] <DLA|NexusJnr> so i guess for both the short answer is - not directly, but in a way yes Very Happy
[2004-04-16 02:51:18] <DLA|NexusJnr> done
[2004-04-16 02:51:35] <D20mm|Knightfell> We're working with a couple of people on outside projects, the firefly modules running this weekend, are going to be great, along with a PW, oakwright that is newly in development, but running.
[2004-04-16 02:51:41] <D20mm|Knightfell> <done>
[2004-04-16 02:52:44] <QT|Fandomlife> Question for DLA: Can you all give us an update on the status of your horses?
[2004-04-16 02:53:11] <Cygnata|Chair> And before we answer anymore questions, we'd like to point out that none other than Eliandi, organizer and chair of the first NWCon is with us tonight! Welcome Eliandi!
[2004-04-16 02:53:25] <BioJay> WOOT!
[2004-04-16 02:53:32] * BioGeorg clap clap ****!
[2004-04-16 02:53:33] <Cygnata|Chair> Come on up and join us talkers so we can embarrass you throughly! Wink
[2004-04-16 02:53:37] * QT|Mpskydog cheers!
[2004-04-16 02:53:40] <d20mm|geekfiend> Do do do!
[2004-04-16 02:53:41] <BioNinja> w00t indeed
[2004-04-16 02:53:48] <Eliandi> uh oh
[2004-04-16 02:54:06] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Horse now?
[2004-04-16 02:54:11] * BioGeorg I want horses!
[2004-04-16 02:54:14] <Eliandi> I'm glad to see so many people here!
[2004-04-16 02:54:18] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Ok. Here is the deal on horses.
[2004-04-16 02:54:36] <DLA|NexusJnr> they look nice - is that an update enough?
[2004-04-16 02:54:40] <BioJay> Smile
[2004-04-16 02:54:41] <DLA|Elryn> Smile
[2004-04-16 02:54:42] <DLA|Steel_Wind> 1 - BioWare did not choose to NOT do them because they were just a plain bad idea that no one wanted
[2004-04-16 02:55:00] <DLA|Steel_Wind> they chose not to do them because they were timein consuming - which means very expensive
[2004-04-16 02:55:01] <BioJay> <cough> Correct sir! <cough>
[2004-04-16 02:55:26] <DLA|ThriKreen> Horses are probably going to replace Trees on my list of things to dislike.
[2004-04-16 02:55:29] <DLA|Steel_Wind> that part of the equation - the time consuiming part - did not just vaporize into the ether
[2004-04-16 02:55:41] <DLA|Steel_Wind> we have 4 people on and off the horse project
[2004-04-16 02:55:56] <DLA|Steel_Wind> the animations planned are complete - all spells, emotes, attacks - everything
[2004-04-16 02:56:07] * DLA|Blackmoon wonders what a horse is Smile
[2004-04-16 02:56:12] <DLA|Steel_Wind> if you can do it - you can do it on horse (trap disarm and lock pick aside)
[2004-04-16 02:56:34] <DLA|Steel_Wind> that is about 5000 frames of animation - for 2 creatures, per race - and sometimes per phenotype
[2004-04-16 02:56:41] <DLA|Steel_Wind> THAT is alot of animations
[2004-04-16 02:56:55] <DLA|Steel_Wind> so - it's coming - but I can't say when because we don't know.
[2004-04-16 02:57:17] <DLA|Steel_Wind> as for technical barriers - there no longr are any. It's a matter of doing the work.
[2004-04-16 02:57:29] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [done]
[2004-04-16 02:57:33] <QT|Fandomlife> How long will Bioware support NWN?
[2004-04-16 02:57:49] <D20mm|Knightfell> still waiting on ridable emus
[2004-04-16 02:58:22] <BioJay> Well since we spent so much time on making the darn thing we want to make sure that ever concievable drop of entertainment is harshly squeezed out it. Smile
[2004-04-16 02:58:57] <BioJay> The reality is that we are casting around looking for ways to maintain support for this vast and growing community without sacrificing the quality and resources for our upcoming titles.
[2004-04-16 02:59:03] <BioNinja> Mmmm... entertainment juice. Builds strong communities, healthy mods.
[2004-04-16 02:59:29] <QT|Mpskydog> Sounds painful/Messy.
[2004-04-16 02:59:38] <BioGeorg> Some extreme people here have been working around 1/6 - 1/7 of their life's on that project...
[2004-04-16 02:59:46] <BioJay> We have begun work on some different ideas but...and you'll love this...out of respect for our publishing partners I can't really give any details at this time.
[2004-04-16 03:00:06] <BioNinja> I love that phrase. Unhelpful, yet vague.
[2004-04-16 03:00:26] <BioJay> Know that we are ALL excited about the work being done by these large groups...amazed acxtually and we want to be active and supportive for as long as we can.
[2004-04-16 03:00:30] <BioJay> Done
[2004-04-16 03:00:50] <QT|Fandomlife> How flexible do you consider the Modern setting to be? With the success of the Fleet Street "Old West" themed game, do you have any plans on incorporating material from various "modern" genres? (Old West, Classic Spy themes, CyberPunk)?
[2004-04-16 03:01:06] <BioGeorg> <guess that's for the d20 modern guys> joined
[2004-04-16 03:01:13] <D20mm|Knightfell> As the head of placeables and creator of alot of the structures in the ext tileset, I have been doing my best to gather a variety of genres that will coincide with the modern era
[2004-04-16 03:02:01] <D20mm|Knightfell> I feel we have and will continue to add as much content that the masses request us to do, we want this to be enjoyable by all
[2004-04-16 03:02:14] <D20mm|Knightfell> <done>
[2004-04-16 03:02:36] * BioGeorg waves Zelle
[2004-04-16 03:02:58] <QT|Fandomlife> Question for CODI - You've recently released some screenshots of your Sigil Exterior tileset and said that you are working on one other new set and one reskin. Is there anything you can tell us about the new set?
[2004-04-16 03:03:39] <CODI|Papermonk> It's not too much of a surprise, we've posted shots earlier. We're also working (actually, completed) another tileset we call the Vault Interior. [http]
[2004-04-16 03:03:40] *** distort changed nick to trizen
[2004-04-16 03:03:50] <CODI|Papermonk> It's a beautiful set done primarily by Bat and Jupp
[2004-04-16 03:04:05] <CODI|Papermonk> It'll be great for any sort of tombs, catacombs, etc.
[2004-04-16 03:04:53] <BioGeorg> woot, large golden gnomish looking machines
[2004-04-16 03:04:54] <CODI|Papermonk> The other is an city interior retexture done by Bodangly. It works VERy well as a slummy interior tileset and is quite dark.
[2004-04-16 03:05:06] <CODI|Papermonk> [http]
[2004-04-16 03:05:19] <CODI|Papermonk> And you can see more shots in the gallery. [2004-04-16 03:05:40] <CODI|Papermonk> (done)
[2004-04-16 03:06:30] <QT|Fandomlife> What is the situation with NWN and Linux?
[2004-04-16 03:06:51] <CODI|Kuhrak> [http]
[2004-04-16 03:06:56] <CODI|Kuhrak> [http]
[2004-04-16 03:07:03] <BioJay> I got this one...unless someone else wants to further explain then I can.
[2004-04-16 03:07:16] <BioGeorg> go ahead Smile
[2004-04-16 03:07:20] <BioNinja> I'm just a tester. You go hard.
[2004-04-16 03:07:30] <BioGeorg> kill -9 BioNinja
[2004-04-16 03:07:53] <BioJay> We are not currently working on a Linux version of the Toolset. Is that about right Georg? Stan You cowards. Smile
[2004-04-16 03:07:53] <BioNinja> Um... I didn't mean thtat the way it came out.
[2004-04-16 03:08:10] <d20mm|geekfiend> whoa grep BioGerog
[2004-04-16 03:08:39] <BioNinja> Can we factor in the phrase "Out of respect for our publisher..." without making it sound mean or disrespectful to Linux?
[2004-04-16 03:09:05] <d20mm|geekfiend> I'm prettys sure Linux's feelings wont be upset. Penguins have a lot of gall.
[2004-04-16 03:09:23] <BioNinja> But seriously, we know there are a lot of people who would like nothing more than a Linux port of the toolset. Unfortunately, that's not currently in production.
[2004-04-16 03:09:32] <CODI|Shkuey> those interested should check out the OpenKnights work
[2004-04-16 03:09:44] <d20mm|geekfiend> We can't forget the Open Knight's project, they're making great headway with a cross-platform toolset ( [http] )
[2004-04-16 03:09:52] <BioGeorg> [http] Smile
[2004-04-16 03:09:54] <QT|SMP|sunrunner20> geekfiend, his name it tux
[2004-04-16 03:09:56] <QT|SMP|sunrunner20> ;p
[2004-04-16 03:09:58] <QT|SMP|sunrunner20> *is
[2004-04-16 03:10:22] <d20mm|geekfiend> I know, I know.
[2004-04-16 03:10:32] <D20mm|Knightfell> oh! it'a a penguin.. i'm thinking emus again
[2004-04-16 03:10:45] <BioNinja> done
[2004-04-16 03:10:50] <BioGeorg> done
[2004-04-16 03:10:57] <QT|Fandomlife> how close are you to finalizing digital distribution?
[2004-04-16 03:11:15] <BioJay> Stellar question.
[2004-04-16 03:11:21] <BioJay> Writing answer now.
[2004-04-16 03:11:34] <BioGeorg> I bet it's starting with "out of respect..."
[2004-04-16 03:11:35] * DLA|Steel_Wind watches Jay type ""Out of respect for our publisher..."
[2004-04-16 03:11:38] <DLA|Steel_Wind> lol
[2004-04-16 03:12:15] <BioJay> Work continues on the concept of digital distrobution as it certainly appears to be something that BioWare will need to incorporate into our current thinking.
[2004-04-16 03:13:12] <BioJay> We have done a lot of research into the subject as we do for any 'new' technology we want to employ but right now I can't give any details because of...ALL TOGETHER NOW....
[2004-04-16 03:13:30] <BioNinja> out of respect for our publisher!
[2004-04-16 03:13:40] <CODI|Snowmit> Publishers demand respect!
[2004-04-16 03:13:48] <BioJay> ...but additional discussion is happening in the Witches Wake forums on our boards.
[2004-04-16 03:13:51] <BioJay> Smile
[2004-04-16 03:14:13] <BioJay> Yes, our publishers.
[2004-04-16 03:14:18] <BioNinja> The community has been great in helping us figure out what they want and what we can give them.
[2004-04-16 03:14:19] <BioJay> Done
[2004-04-16 03:14:22] <BioNinja> done
[2004-04-16 03:14:26] <BioGeorg> [http] <done>
[2004-04-16 03:14:40] <QT|Fandomlife> This is for the CODI team, What expansion packs does the CODI require to run ?
[2004-04-16 03:15:34] <CODI|Papermonk> Both of em :grins: Originally, we went with none. Then we succumbed to SoU because.. well, we were crying blood tears switching back and forth. Then we just said "Heck with it" when HoU came out because we all loved it too much to uninstall.
[2004-04-16 03:15:40] <CODI|Papermonk> So.. all, because we are lazy people.
[2004-04-16 03:16:01] <CODI|Papermonk> (done)
[2004-04-16 03:16:38] <BioJay> Yeah, right. <rolls eyes>
[2004-04-16 03:17:10] <CODI|Papermonk> When it comes to installing software we're lazy. When it comes to laboring relentlessly for two years on buildings... um.. we're just deranged.
[2004-04-16 03:17:45] <BioJay> Ah, it's how you define the madness...I see. Smile
[2004-04-16 03:17:56] <CODI|Papermonk> Yep. Smile (done)
[2004-04-16 03:19:11] <QT|Fandomlife> For all: How have the lessons learned from NWN affected your outlook on the future of CRPGs? What do you think is the feature that was the most revolutionary?
[2004-04-16 03:20:19] <DLA|Steel_Wind> The toolset combined with tilesets to make level building easy. Dead easy.
[2004-04-16 03:20:24] <BioJay> I would have to say the Toolset. For some reason that really caught on in a huge way. I would be shocked to see any game that commits to building a community ignore that.
[2004-04-16 03:20:26] <DLA|Acropole> The best feature in NWN, in my opinion, is the possibilty for anybody in the communty to build his own world. NWN give us (cc builder, pw builders, story builder, dm, and players) lots of freedom and lots of possibilities. (done)
[2004-04-16 03:20:40] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [done]
[2004-04-16 03:20:44] <CODI|Snowmit> Well the biggest thing that comes from it is that we are seeing that FPS isn't the only genre that benefits from a strong toolset.
[2004-04-16 03:21:03] <BioGeorg> outlook into the future: RPGs are well alive and can have mod-a-bility and custom content too
[2004-04-16 03:21:39] <d20mm|geekfiend> I'm going have to agree with what everyone is saying. For me the most enjoyable part of NWN is outside the game, making content either cc or modules
[2004-04-16 03:22:08] <BioGeorg> best part: The toolset, and, the community
[2004-04-16 03:22:24] <D20mm|Knightfell> toolset definately
[2004-04-16 03:22:33] <d20mm|geekfiend> (done)
[2004-04-16 03:22:40] <BioNinja> Not being a very technical person myself, I'd have to say the community
[2004-04-16 03:22:46] <BioJay> I know that Mod folks will bend things to their will regardless of a Toolset or not..but the idea that the regular non-tech guy like me can make something must have sparked something in a lot of people.
[2004-04-16 03:24:14] <D20mm|Knightfell> you RD
[2004-04-16 03:24:18] <D20mm|Knightfell> yo too
[2004-04-16 03:26:24] <BioJay> Well I have a Question for the groups- what have you all learned about game design?
[2004-04-16 03:26:30] * DLA|Lisa making stuff is the most fun! definitely!
[2004-04-16 03:27:00] <CODI|Papermonk> Um.. asprin and alcohol are your friends?
[2004-04-16 03:27:20] <CODI|Papermonk> Seriously, though... Tons.
[2004-04-16 03:27:44] <DLA|Stratovarius> Scripts get no sleep near a release date *grins*
[2004-04-16 03:27:49] <DLA|Arcana> I've done some solo modding in the past with Quake 2 & 3....and was reluctant to join a mod team because I was afraid of lack of freedom...but I've learned since NWN/DLA that to truly accomplish anything you have to share your talent with other talented people.
[2004-04-16 03:27:51] <d20mm|geekfiend> That its a lot of work, (rum's my vice) but so rewarding.
[2004-04-16 03:27:54] <DLA|Stratovarius> *Scripters even
[2004-04-16 03:27:57] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Feature creep can be beaten so long as massive recruiting can outpace excessive feature lists and iffy project management Very Happy
[2004-04-16 03:28:19] <CODI|Snowmit> The bigger the project, the hight the percentage of time is taken up with communication and coordination.
[2004-04-16 03:28:20] <BioJay> As part of a developer house we have to constanlty cut things that we think are very, very cool in order to actually produce something. That can be heartbreaking.
[2004-04-16 03:28:21] <D20mm|angelgabe> I tend to see everything as "wow,that would make a great placable",now
[2004-04-16 03:28:34] <CODI|Papermonk> Too much to easily write down. Organization is a must. Getting everything in writing is a must. Communication is the most important. Remembering the law of unitended consequences is ALWAYS in effect. And.... once you decide what to do, lock down and don't let anyone's cool idea's make you change your mind!
[2004-04-16 03:28:56] <DLA|Elryn> Personally, pipeline. It's all about the guys before you and the guys after you in the long and rewarding chain of content of creation
[2004-04-16 03:28:56] <d20mm|geekfiend> I suffer from not following Papermonk's lsat rule.
[2004-04-16 03:29:03] <D20mm|Knightfell> Put it this way less than a year a go all i knew how to do was placing default stuff in my mods.. now i'm making placeables and buildings
[2004-04-16 03:29:14] <CODI|Tranquil1> NWN is the reason I seriously began modelling in 3d. The community is a great place to learn
[2004-04-16 03:29:30] <BioJay> I agree.
[2004-04-16 03:29:42] <BioGeorg> <HDNWN|rabbithail> BioGuys: From Soop and Me. How difficult would it be to have subjective VFX (as in only certain players can observe it) implemented?
[2004-04-16 03:30:44] <d20mm|geekfiend> I also learned it's pretty neat being in charge and getting to boss people around Smile Actually, it is rewarding for me to see a creation come to life in a way I've never had the opportunity for.
[2004-04-16 03:30:46] <BioGeorg> No idea, would have to ask a programmer. We adding the ability to orient a custom VFX with a player in patch 1.63 however, which should open a lot of interesting possibilties for the community
[2004-04-16 03:31:53] <DLA|Steel_Wind> One concern expressed with adding rotational VFX's was that as it was not subjective and avoided client/sever issues, it would be much easier to do.
[2004-04-16 03:32:04] <DLA|Steel_Wind> so I am guessing "harder"
[2004-04-16 03:32:22] <BioGeorg> i.e. applying a quiver or sword sheath VFX ... or VFX boats or cars applied to a player....
[2004-04-16 03:33:07] <BioGeorg> done
[2004-04-16 03:34:45] <CODI|Papermonk> Well, in preperation of this little event
[2004-04-16 03:34:52] <CODI|Papermonk> and with Foundations due out very soon
[2004-04-16 03:35:15] <CODI|Papermonk> NamelessOne, Jupp, StephenSpann, and DavidJohn put together a little trailer
[2004-04-16 03:35:34] <CODI|Papermonk> You can get the high res (24 megs) here: [http]
[2004-04-16 03:35:55] <CODI|Papermonk> And the low res (12 megs) here
[2004-04-16 03:35:56] <CODI|Papermonk> [http]
[2004-04-16 03:36:15] <CODI|Papermonk> I'd like to thank everyone for their hard work... So go take a walk through Sigil!
[2004-04-16 03:36:23] <QT|Mpskydog> A quick reminder if you have a question to go ahead and message one of us question takers with the +QT| prefix, and we'll pass it along. And it doesn't help to ask the same question more than once, sorry.
[2004-04-16 03:37:10] <CODI|Papermonk> Preview of something new in there as well!
[2004-04-16 03:37:26] <BioGeorg> Whohooo
[2004-04-16 03:41:10] * QT|Mpskydog notices it seems very quiet right now.
[2004-04-16 03:41:19] * DLA|Lisa is writing some calculus finals - anyone up for some techniques of integration?
[2004-04-16 03:41:39] <Eliandi> Noooo! Lisa
[2004-04-16 03:41:53] <QT|Mpskydog> Enough of the integration already, the rest of the world isn't interested in calculus right now!
[2004-04-16 03:41:58] * DLA|Lisa pouts, but its a really good one
[2004-04-16 03:42:53] <Cygnata|Chair> <random> Lisa, seems the audience is dying to know: Are you single? Wink
[2004-04-16 03:43:04] <BioGeorg> runscript "x2_dm_kfs"
[2004-04-16 03:43:07] * Cygnata|Chair stands still, and awaits much pain.
[2004-04-16 03:43:20] <CODI|Snowmit> She's married to the sea.
[2004-04-16 03:43:22] * DLA|Ragnarok_mr4 hands lisa a trout
[2004-04-16 03:43:23] * DLA|Steel_Wind passes Da Fish
[2004-04-16 03:43:40] <QT|KeenAmateur> *sniggers in the corner*
[2004-04-16 03:44:20] <BioGeorg> [FN-elandys] Question for Bioware: how do things stand as far as the live team allowing module builders to specify what expansions are required to play (NWN only, +SoU, +HotU, +Both)?
[2004-04-16 03:44:21] * DLA|Lisa says ROB! You are the fearless leader protect me wack someone with the biggest trout you can find
[2004-04-16 03:44:54] <BioGeorg> This has been discussed quite a lot both internally and on our boards, and the problem is...
[2004-04-16 03:45:01] * DLA|Steel_Wind has a 60mm Sturgeon at the ready
[2004-04-16 03:45:28] <Cygnata|Chair> Get those questions in, folks, we'll take a few more, than end this session.
[2004-04-16 03:45:39] <BioGeorg> that it would require extensive changes to the toolset ...
[2004-04-16 03:46:02] <BioGeorg> in order to do it "right" and just presenting a builder with the option to disable an expansion pack while allowing
[2004-04-16 03:46:34] <BioGeorg> him/her to use resources from it wouldn't be a good idea when it comes to game stability. So no, there are no changes planned in this regard to the toolset
[2004-04-16 03:46:41] <BioGeorg> done
[2004-04-16 03:46:46] <DLA|BrainByte> There’s also an application out by Lilac Soul that removes the biggest obstacles, you still have to be careful not to include any content from expansions you don’t plan to use: [http]
[2004-04-16 03:46:51] <DLA|BrainByte> done
[2004-04-16 03:47:15] <DLA|Steel_Wind> One point though - and its not a small one. Why is it important?
[2004-04-16 03:47:50] <DLA|Steel_Wind> The vast majority of people who are downloading content and modules have both XPs.
[2004-04-16 03:48:24] <DLA|Steel_Wind> [done]
[2004-04-16 03:49:31] <QT|Mpskydog> A quick compliment from LdyShayna: Can I say that I just downloaded and watched the CODI movie they just linked to and thought it looked really, really nice? Smile
[2004-04-16 03:50:00] <BioGeorg> I agree, nice work CODI!
[2004-04-16 03:50:08] <CODI|Papermonk> Awww.. thanks. We're very happy with it. THe music, the visuals, Mr. Remington, we were thrilled to see it in that medium
[2004-04-16 03:50:24] <d20mm|geekfiend> It blows our trailers into the water.
[2004-04-16 03:50:54] <d20mm|geekfiend> Amazing good.
[2004-04-16 03:51:25] <BioGeorg> Through I liked the red car...
[2004-04-16 03:51:39] <BioJay> A very cool car indeed.
[2004-04-16 03:52:20] <D20mm|Knightfell> it was put in for the middle aged crisis mod i'm making
[2004-04-16 03:52:20] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Getting late for the Bioguys. They are still at work, (At 11:30 in Nfld)
[2004-04-16 03:52:38] <BioGeorg> err, we are in alberta, 8pm Smile
[2004-04-16 03:52:43] <Cygnata|Chair> Ok, everyone, we're wrapping up now. In a few minutes, after the groups say their good byes, we will open the floor and let you ask your questions in here directly
[2004-04-16 03:52:52] <Cygnata|Chair> Behave, because miscreants will be booted.
[2004-04-16 03:52:55] <DLA|Blackmoon> NFLD? i was about to say... when did bio HQ move Razz
[2004-04-16 03:53:47] <Cygnata|Chair> Panelists, thank you VERY much for your time, and Biowarians, we really appreciate your work and the wonderful game you've given us!
[2004-04-16 03:53:48] <BioJay> A HUGE thanks to the NWCon II organizers for all the work setting this and the rest of the Con up. A big, big thanks from BioWare.
[2004-04-16 03:54:02] <BioNinja> Thank you all for your dedication and passion.
[2004-04-16 03:54:08] <D20mm|angelgabe> Tnanks for having us guys
[2004-04-16 03:54:10] <Eliandi> A big thanks to you guys for showing up and helping out!
[2004-04-16 03:54:18] <BioJay> I will be floating around for the rest of the Con like a evil spirit.
[2004-04-16 03:54:25] <DLA|Steel_Wind> Thanks for having us at NWCon and a bunc of DLA folks will hang later and answer Q's one one one kinda thing. Faster and less formal tht way.
[2004-04-16 03:54:30] <JDai|CoChair> If I can sneak in.. I just want to thank all our panelists and staff for making this a super event! See everyone tomorrow for a full slate of IRC Seminar fun!!
[2004-04-16 03:54:32] <BioGeorg> And some very eventful, fun and successful days with The Hordes of the Internet!
[2004-04-16 03:54:35] <D20mm|Knightfell> Was a blast thanks guys
[2004-04-16 03:54:38] <d20mm|geekfiend> This has been great everyone, thanks!
[2004-04-16 03:55:15] <CODI|Kuhrak> thanks to all
[2004-04-16 03:55:22] <CODI|Papermonk> Thanks everyone! It's been great!
[2004-04-16 03:55:34] <Cygnata|Chair> The channel will now be unmoderated, and anyone who mobs a panelists gets beaten back by me. Smile
[2004-04-16 03:55:44] <DLA|RonNorton> Yes thanks for having us here! it was fun!
[2004-04-16 03:55:44] *** Cygnata|Chair sets channel #NWCon_Seminars mode -m
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