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Grand Sage du Conseil
Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2008
Messages: 547
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Posté le : 03/12/2012 10:21:55 Sujet du message : Bugs - Blocking situations (English)

Last edit : Apr, 17th 2013

I'm stuck in Boratae's crypt and can't unlock the door in the big room.
Unfortunately some of the 4 levers might have been destroyed during the fight. I forgot to tag them 'plot'.
If you have no near save you can unlock the door through the console :
debugmode 1
rs ga_lock("door_family", 0)
debugmode 0

Status : bug fixed. Pending update. Updated on the Nexus.

Where is Titus Bonosus?
Due to a walkmesh issue he might be stuck into the wall but still int the Latrines. You can still talk to him
Statut : bug fixed. Pending update. Updated on the Nexus.

All bugs below have been corrected, version 1.01. You still may have to issue the console command after you have talked to Sophonisbe, if you have already got to Carthago.

Depending on how you managed the Sanctuary quest, this quest might remain opened, hence you can't report about the Roman Governors.
If you have already talked to Kati Zinzaïs about it (you have found "The Object"), issue the following command to close the quest :
rs sd_debug_quest("q_sanctuary", 50)
Status : bug fixed, campaign folder updated on Dec 3rd, 2012

Soslan does not appear as Sun Elf wizard :
Download the campaign folder again and restart from the Autosave.
Status : bug fixed, campaign folder updated on Dec 3rd, 2012.

Can't create a bandage +6 despite the party has the necessary skills :
Script error fixed. Download the campaign folder again.
Status : bug fixed, campaign folder updated on Dec 4th, 2012

Can't fire legend's episodes from Governor's palace in Liburnia :
Script error fixed. Download the campaign folder again.
Status : bug fixed, campaign folder updated on Jan 3rd, 2013

My spells caster has destroyed one of the offering basins at the Kurgan, I'm stuck :
I forgot to tag plot these basins. Restart from the last save and be careful.
Status : bug fixed, version 1.01.

Possible exploitation, one of the storekeepers in Ulpia Traina :
Status : bug fixed, version 1.01.

Quest does not open after you have talked to Sophonisbe :
Bad condition in a convo, related to alignment. Open the quest thru the console :
debugmode 1
rs sd_debug_quest("q_sacrifice", 10)
debugmode 0

Status : bug fixed, version 1.01.
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