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FeudeDaisy Chevalier Messages: 84 |
Bonjour à tous!
La création de mon module NWN2 avance très bien mais j'ai un problème sur un script que j'utilisais sous NWN1 pour que les PNJ soit à un endroit différent le jour et la nuit! Voici les deux scripts en question : (a mettre dans le Heartbeat de NWN1 // je l'ai mis dans les scripts récurant sur NWN2) NWScript :
//:///////////////////////// ///////////////////// //:: Heartbeat personnalise //:: RAV_ANIMHB //:///////////////////////// //////////////////// /* Animations personnalisees */ //:///////////////////////// //////////////////// //:: Created By: Serge GANDOLPHE //:: Created On: 13 fevrier 2003 //:///////////////////////// //////////////////// #include "NW_I0_GENERIC" #include "nw_i0_plot" void main() { //if(!GetIsInCombat() && !IsInConversation(OBJECT_SELF) ) // ActionRandomWalk(); if(GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_FAST_BUFF_ENEMY)) { if(TalentAdvancedBuff(40.0)) { SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_FAST_BUFF_ENEMY, FALSE); return; } } if(GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_DAY_NIGHT_POSTING)) { int nDay = FALSE; if(GetIsDay() || GetIsDawn()) { nDay = TRUE; } if(GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_DAY_NIGHT") != nDay) { if(nDay == TRUE) { SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_DAY_NIGHT", TRUE); } else { SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_DAY_NIGHT", FALSE); } WalkWayPoints(); } } if(!GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_SLEEP)) { if(!GetIsPostOrWalking()) { if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetAttemptedAttackTarget()) && !GetIsObjectValid(GetAttemptedSpellTarget())) { if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetNearestCreature(CREATURE_TYPE_REPUTATION, REPUTATION_TYPE_ENEMY, OBJECT_SELF, 1, CREATURE_TYPE_PERCEPTION, PERCEPTION_SEEN))) { if(!GetBehaviorState(NW_FLAG_BEHAVIOR_SPECIAL) && !IsInConversation(OBJECT_SELF)) { if(GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS) || GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS_AVIAN)) { PlayMobileAmbientAnimations(); } else if(GetIsEncounterCreature() && !GetIsObjectValid(GetNearestCreature(CREATURE_TYPE_REPUTATION, REPUTATION_TYPE_ENEMY, OBJECT_SELF, 1, CREATURE_TYPE_PERCEPTION, PERCEPTION_SEEN))) { PlayMobileAmbientAnimations(); } else if(GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_IMMOBILE_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS) && !GetIsObjectValid(GetNearestCreature(CREATURE_TYPE_REPUTATION, REPUTATION_TYPE_ENEMY, OBJECT_SELF, 1, CREATURE_TYPE_PERCEPTION, PERCEPTION_SEEN))) { PlayImmobileAmbientAnimations(); } } else { DetermineSpecialBehavior(); } } else { //DetermineCombatRound(); } } } } else { if(GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_SLEEPING_AT_NIGHT)) { effect eVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SLEEP); if(d10() > 6) { ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, OBJECT_SELF); } } } if(GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_HEARTBEAT_EVENT)) { SignalEvent(OBJECT_SELF, EventUserDefined(1001)); } //Ca se passe ici /*Le jour le pnj se ballade dans le village et a la tombee de la nuit il rentre chez lui*/ if(GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"isoutside")) { if((GetIsNight() || GetIsDusk()) && !GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedinside")){ SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"isoutside", FALSE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedoutside",FALSE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedinside",TRUE); ClearAllActions(TRUE); EscapeArea(FALSE,"EXIT_"+GetTag(OBJECT_SELF)); object OPnj = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,GetResRef(OBJECT_SELF),GetLocation(GetWaypointByTag("NIGHT_"+GetTag(OBJECT_SELF)))); DestroyObject(OBJECT_SELF,10.0f);//Pour etre certain de ne pas avoir de clones } } else{ if((GetIsDay() || GetIsDawn()) && !GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedoutside")){ SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"isoutside", TRUE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedoutside",TRUE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedinside",FALSE); ClearAllActions(TRUE); EscapeArea(FALSE,"EXIT_"+GetTag(OBJECT_SELF)); object OPnj = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,GetResRef(OBJECT_SELF),GetLocation(GetWaypointByTag("DAY_"+GetTag(OBJECT_SELF)))); DestroyObject(OBJECT_SELF,10.0f); } } } (a mettre dans le onspawn de NWN1 // je l'ai mis dans le cadre de spawn) NWScript :
//:///////////////////////// ///////////////////// //:: Default: On Spawn In //:: rav_os_commoner //:: Par Serge GANDOLPHE //:///////////////////////// //////////////////// /* Determines the course of action to be taken after having just been spawned in */ //:///////////////////////// //////////////////// //:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk //:: Created On: Oct 25, 2001 //:///////////////////////// //////////////////// #include "NW_O2_CONINCLUDE" #include "NW_I0_GENERIC" void main() { //Ici il faut lister vos zones de JOUR!!!! //Remplacez simplement zone1 et zone2 par les tags de vos zones et rajoutez autant de || areaTag =="zonex" que vous avez de zones de jour string areaTag = GetTag(GetArea(OBJECT_SELF)); if(areaTag =="valkenas" || areaTag =="valkenasecurie" || areaTag =="valkenasmoulin" || areaTag =="valkenasferme" || areaTag =="valkenashouse1" || areaTag =="valkenashouse2" ){ SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"isoutside", TRUE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedoutside",TRUE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedinside",FALSE); } else{ SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"isoutside", FALSE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedoutside",FALSE); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"movedinside",TRUE); } // OPTIONAL BEHAVIORS (Comment In or Out to Activate ) ****************************** ****************************** **************** //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ SPECIAL_CONVERSATION); //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ SPECIAL_COMBAT_CONVERSATION); // This causes the creature to say a special greeting in their conversation file // upon Perceiving the player. Attach the [NW_D2_GenCheck.nss] script to the desired // greeting in order to designate it. As the creature is actually saying this to // himself, don't attach any player responses to the greeting. //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ SHOUT_ATTACK_MY_TARGET); // This will set the listening pattern on the NPC to attack when allies call //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ STEALTH); // If the NPC has stealth and they are a rogue go into stealth mode //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ SEARCH); // If the NPC has Search go into Search Mode //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ SET_WARNINGS); // This will set the NPC to give a warning to non-enemies before attacking //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ SLEEP); //Creatures that spawn in during the night will be asleep. //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ DAY_NIGHT_POSTING); //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ APPEAR_SPAWN_IN_ANIMATION); //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ IMMOBILE_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS); //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS); //This will play Ambient Animations until the NPC sees an enemy or is cleared. //NOTE that these animations will play automatically for Encounter Creatures. // NOTE: ONLY ONE OF THE FOLOOWING ESCAPE COMMANDS SHOULD EVER BE ACTIVATED AT ANY ONE TIME. //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ ESCAPE_RETURN); // OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR (Flee to a way point and return a short time later.) //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ ESCAPE_LEAVE); // OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR (Flee to a way point and do not return.) //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ TELEPORT_LEAVE); // OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR (Teleport to safety and do not return.) //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ TELEPORT_RETURN); // OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR (Teleport to safety and return a short time later.) // CUSTOM USER DEFINED EVENTS /* The following settings will allow the user to fire one of the blank user defined events in the NW_D2_DefaultD. Like the On Spawn In script this script is meant to be customized by the end user to allow for unique behaviors. The user defined events user 1000 - 1010 */ //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ HEARTBEAT_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1001 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ PERCIEVE_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1002 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ ATTACK_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1005 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ DAMAGED_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1006 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ DISTURBED_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1008 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ END_COMBAT_ROUND_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1003 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ ON_DIALOGUE_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1004 //SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_ DEATH_EVENT); //OPTIONAL BEHAVIOR - Fire User Defined Event 1007 // DEFAULT GENERIC BEHAVIOR (DO NOT TOUCH) ****************************** ****************************** ***************************** SetListeningPatterns(); // Goes through and sets up which shouts the NPC will listen to. WalkWayPoints(); // Optional Parameter: void WalkWayPoints(int nRun = FALSE, float fPause = 1.0) // 1. Looks to see if any Way Points in the module have the tag "WP_" + NPC TAG + "_0X", if so walk them // 2. If the tag of the Way Point is "POST_" + NPC TAG the creature will return this way point after // combat. GenerateNPCTreasure(); //* Use this to create a small amount of treasure on the creature } Le principe est d'avoir le PNJ dans la zone de "jour" et d'avoir deux tags principalement : "DAY_TAGPNJ" ; "NIGHT_TAGPNJ" ainsi que deux "EXIT_TAGPNJ"; (et un PNJ identique dans la palette!) La nuit venu, le PNJ marchait jusqu'au point "EXIT_TAGPNJ) et on le retrouvait dans la maison en y entrant... le système est identique lorsque le jour arrive! Sur NWN tout marchait au poil, mais sur NWN2 apparemment, le PNJ spawn sans arrêt sur le point de JOUR... est-ce que quelqu'un à une idée svp? ou un autre système à utilisé? (en m'expliquant si possible comment faire... ) Merci _________________ Le Slide Challenge est une communauté regroupant plusieurs jeu assez ancien auquel nous jouons le soir en semaine!!! [http] |
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